There are several choices that can be made within the cannabinoid spectrum. There are three main types: CBD isolate, broad spectrum CBD and full spectrum CBD. It's important to note the differences between them in order to have an informed decision regarding CBD oil's particular cannabinoid ingredients.

The trio making up the main types all vary in extraction and formulation. As such, they don't act the same way when they find their way into a person's endocannabinoid system. Having a clear picture of each one will make picking out what will work best much easier.

There's More Than CBD in Those Oils

Contrary to popular belief, there's more than oil and CBD to CBD oil. There are over a hundred phytocannabinoids synthesized by cannabis sativa. THC and CBD are the cannabinoids, which the scientific community is most familiar with. However, there are other key ones, like CBG and CBN.

CBD oil products are labelled in such a way that people will be able to tell whether it's broad spectrum or full spectrum. Essentially, that's the best way to tell how much THC, if any, there is in the product. The presence of other cannabinoids in the formulation will also be outlined. The spectrum lists the other components which can be found with the CBD molecules as they work together. 

The difference between a broad spectrum or full spectrum lies in the processing that happens post-extraction from the cannabis sativa plant.

Broad Spectrum CBD

Cannabidiol with compounds that hemp contains is a lot like the full spectrum type. Broad spectrum, however, does not have THC anymore because the extraction process takes it out. Cannabinoids like CBG and CBN are retained, however. The "entourage effect" can be triggered through flavonoids and additional terpenes, though it does not have THC in it.

This is ideal for people who live in areas with cannabis laws that are quite stringent. It has whole-plant benefits with zero THC content. Another way of looking at this is that broad spectrum CBD is essentially full spectrum CBD combined with CBD isolate.

Full Spectrum CBD

As the name suggests, full spectrum CBD makes use of every single phytochemical that cannabis sativa contains. Cannabidiol, essential oils, terpenes and other cannabinoids are involved. When there's THC involved, it will likely follow the law and be under the 0.3 per cent range.

There's likely no intoxication coming from trace amounts of THC. This is because full spectrum CBD oil generally has negligible THC content. It should be noted, however, that THC will build up over time in a person's system. If employers are strict about zero THC in the system, issues will likely arise down the line.

Whole-plant cannabinoids and additional terpenes combined result in the "entourage effect," which full spectrum CBD generally lets clients experience.


Broad spectrum CBD and full spectrum CBD are two different things. The key difference is in the processing after plant extraction. Full spectrum CBD has THC while broad spectrum does not. People that live in areas with strict cannabis laws will benefit greatly from broad spectrum CBD.

Looking to get the best CBD products? Shop at Quintessential Tips! We have the finest products from the global cannabis and hemp industry. Browse through our online store and place your order today!