Welcome ladies and gentleman to the inaugural blog post by Quintessential Tips - The worlds leading manufacturer of quality ethical smoking accessories. We could bang on about our products some more and believe me we will in future posts but for today I think we will go into into some more details of why we have moved websites to a new platform and what 2015 hold for the future of the smoking accessories market.
Smoking Accessories in 2015
The smoking accessories market has seen some huge changes in the past few years, from the invention of the e cigarette to the USA going legal in a few states which has had a major impact on the smoking world as dabbing and other new and novel ways of smoking are invented. 2015 has seen the vape market in the UK increase but with proposed new restrictions and taxes becoming law later this year and the possible 40% tax increase make it an interesting if not worrying industry to be in.
Here at Quintessential tips the jury is still out as the side effects and harmful properties released in the usage of e-cigarettes is still widely unknown. If in doubt stay away from all liquids made in china and only go for liquids in the ECITA range. We can recommend using Vape Club for all your vaping tech as its an honest run company that know what they are talking about. In 2015 stay away from all e cigarette suppliers who offer crazy deals or gimmicks as its very likely they are trying to either sell very close to out of date e juices or are worried about the new laws and are selling stuff off cheap before they lose there business.
On to the American smoking scene and boy is that a scene, what a difference laws can make to people, not only has Colorado legalized it but in doing so they have created a thriving year round tourism industry and best of all they have given people the ability to heal themselves using natural means, much to big pharma's chagrin. For all those out there reading this and thinking sure whatever, all we have to say is even the straightest out there have had a family member suffering from cancer, wouldn't you wish to alleviate and in some instances cure what ails them without resorting to the pharmaceutical industry. Even the religious nut jobs out there cant complain as god gave man all the fruit bearing plants & herbs necessary survive and thrive.
In 2015 we are going to be releasing many more products and as a company we are going further into the sustainable and ethical smoking market. After all who wants mass produced when organic hemp handmade into products is available. Please come and check us out at the Product Earth Expo in Peterborough in June to see what we are all about and to get some cool freebies and promo products of our newest product releases.
Please check back to our blog for ideas hints and tips when it comes to making the best of what 2015 has to offer in smoking accessories and also any new developments in the hemp industry.
Remember people love light and happiness is the only way.